Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 17: Goodbye Australia, Brisbane

It was the hardest thing we had to do in Australia - leaving it.

Got up really early, looking forward to our postponed skydive in the morning but due to continued bad weather conditions, it was cancelled yet again :(

Nevertheless, we made it back to SG in one piece. Definitely going to be missing it all: pseudo Clarke Quay, friendly shopkeepers (unlike the ones here. Try smiling or saying hi to the cashiers!), the awesome people we met (i.e. Harry, from our White water rafting trip in Cairns, who inspired us further to help out with the Brisbane floods; Linda and her boyfriend from Switzerland who made me realize even more that taking risks in life makes "life"), the clean beaches, the laid back lifestyle, the intense rauncy parties, amazing azn food they actually have, the shopping, the accent and slang (crikey!), the architecture of every city..

Also managed to bond with my sister during the trip. Never would I thought I'd travel with Jess (till maybe we're 35 at least..), and learnt some new stuff about her.

Sistuh hood

Defo wouldn't have been able to say "YO DUDE I'M GOING TO AUSTRALIA FOR 2.5 WEEKS WITH MY SISTUH" without Campus Magazine and Tourism Australia :)

It's been one of the awesomest 17 days, ever

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